Advanced Doodling

Monday, March 26, 2007

Jack Bauer

I've never been particularly good with likenesses so I was as surprised as anyone when, while I was watching tonight's episode of 24, I decided to take a crack at Jack Bauer himself. I think if you know who it's supposed to be you can see it but I didn't quite capture him like I wanted to. But this did give me confidence that given enough practice, I could get ol' Kiefer down. This is one I'll have to revisit down the road.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Captain America

John Cassaday sucks! This was my first time drawing the "scalemail" that's become a Cap staple since Cassaday introduced it during his run on the title. Clearly, it takes some getting used to...or maybe it's just me. Either way, I'm not entirely thrilled with this first attempt at it but I have faith I'll get it down.

I just noticed that it kinda looks like he's wearing a tie.

Cap is one of those favorite characters of mine that I mentioned as having a bad year. First he becomes a fugitive, gets arrested and ultimately ends up dead. Cap is my all-time favorite Marvel character so while I can't say that I'm happy he's dead, I am interested in seeing where the story goes from here. R.I.P. Steve.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Here I go. I've decided to actually give this whole "A sketch a day" thing a go. Nothing big, nothing fancy, just a little something to remind me that I can still do it and perhaps motivate me to do more.

I'm kicking it off with Speedball from the old New Warriors days. Seems like the past year has been rough on some of my favorite comic characters and I wanted to remember when Robbie was a fun-loving guy, not another angst-ridden borderline psycho. I had to do some editing in Photoshop on this one because I originally had his forehead WAY too big. Seems I couldn't remember what his hair looked out and in trying to figure it out I erased the top of his head. After I referenced it, I drew in the hair but added it way too high. So a cut and paste later and we've got the end result here. Still a little high but I can live with it.